Under Review

Freak Heat Waves

“Weaving a rich mixture of synthetic and analog percussion, dial-tone sythwork, droning bass riffs and twisted guitar, Beyond XXXL takes the post-punk identity that the band built with their two previous LPs and warps it until it is altogether a new thing.”

Real Live Action


It was 8 p.m. in the dog days of the August summer heat. The sun hadn’t even set and yet I found myself descending into…

Under Review

Freak Heat Waves

The first time I stumbled across Victoria’s Freak Heat Waves, I was browsing through the “suggested” section of Red Cat Records. The flashy album artwork…

Real Live Action

Viet Cong

Not a soul left the Biltmore this past Saturday without yelling at each other in plain conversation. The ringing, the noise, and the energy —…

Real Live Action

Freak Heat Waves

On the night of Friday, February 7, Victoria’s Freak Heat Waves pulled together a solid lineup for a night at the Fox Cabaret to highlight…


Vancouver's Waste-Makers

On a sunny Sunday afternoon in mid-April, I arrived at the Strathcona store-front apartment of Mark Richardson, one of the main Music Waste festival organizers,…

Real Live Action


The cover of Koban’s debut LP, Null, features a submissive figure writhing under the weight of manifold cords: a victim of some industrial nightmare, the…

Under Review

Freak Heat Waves

Freak Heat Waves by FREAK HEAT WAVES At first glance, opener “Empty Body” might give listeners the wrong idea of what to expect out of…

Real Live Action

Sheer Agony

The Monday night show at the Electric Owl represented why it is important to save your pocket shrapnel and spend it on local live music…