TIME NOT WASTED Episode May 29, 2024

Part 1: Hallelujah to That

2:59pm - 4:21pm

Starting in 1994 and going through to the 2010s, we hear from past organizers and attendees to cover the basic history of Music Waste Festival and start to talk a bit about maybe the more nuanced history of its role in "Vancouver"’s arts scene.

Part 2: This Secret, Unconscious, Punk Desire airs at 3pm on Wednesday, June 5. Music Waste Festival runs June 6-9 at venues across East Vancouver. Go to musicwaste.ca to get a fesetival pass and to see the full lineup.

Full episode transcript: https://www.citr.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/TIMENOTWASTED_Ep1transcript.pdf

Listen to Part 2: The Secret, Unconscious, Punk Desire here: https://www.citr.ca/radio/time-not-wasted/episode/20240605/

Track Listing:

Sneak'n On The Subway
Smak · The Higher State of Cluelessness
The Bakelites · Bakelite
Evil In My Head
ACR · Soapsud Clown
I Guess the Lord Is In New York
Makeout Videotape · Heat Wave!
We'll Find Time Somwhere
Lucky · We'll Find the Time EP
Dumb · Seeing Green