The Art Beat Episode June 19, 2019

Reviews, Reviews, Reviews

5:01pm - 5:56pm

We had a lot of reviews this show because there is just so much going on! We started the show with a review of The Taming of the Shrew at Bard on the Beach. Then we talked about the film The Extraordinary Journey of Fakir, which is a great feel-good summer film that is coming out soon. We had several shout-outs to: comedian Sophie Buddle, An ASL Opera, the documentary about art forgery There Are No Fakes, the play The Queen in Me, and the opening of a new exhibit at the Belkin Art Gallery called “Surrounded: Skeena Reece”. We ended the show with a review of Mom's the Word: Nest 1/2 Empty and a quick talk about the play Hosanna.