Son of Nite Dreems (2009) Episode November 3, 2008
Son of Nite Dreems/Nov.3/08
6:00am - 7:40am
Something new and some blasts from the past including a post Halloween salute with jolly John and dark matter man, plus a overview of recent ufo sightings with Michael Strainic. * denotes Canadian talent RADIOHEAD, Reckoner...*DESTROYER, Shooting Rockets(From The Desk Of Night's Ape)...JOHN ZACHERLE, Dinner With Drac. Pt1..SCREAMIN'
LORD SUTCH, She's Fallen In Love With The Monster Man...THE VERVE, Valium Skies..*RODNEY GRAHAM BAND, Afternoon Nap...*BROKEN SOCIAL SCENE presents KEVIN DREW, Fucked Up Kid...*THE ORGAN, Don't Be Angry...*THE DEARS, Disclaimer/
Dream Job...*THE STILLS, I'm With You...THE DRIFTERS, When My Little Girl Is Smiling...EARL JEAN, I'm Into Something Good...
TV ON THE RADIO, Halfway Home...PRIMAL SCREAM, The Glory Of Love...*THE BUTLESS CHAPS, Broken Transit, Broken Soil..*THE
MODELOS, It's Getting Tough...LARRY WILLIAMS, Short Fat Fannie...BILL HALEY & HIS COMETS, Skinny Minnie... Join Morgan Tanner for the Nov.17th, CiTR FUND DRIVE. JT's back Monday, December 1st. Happy Trails