Rocket from Russia Episode December 6, 2012

Rocket From Russia, Episode #10

10:00am - 11:00am

Happy Hello Hello Hello!

Episode #10 has arrived! Loads of international music!

First block features new songs by Pour Habit (Compton, CA, USA), Local Resident Failure (Australia), Brixton Robbers (Montreal, Canada), Misplace (Burgos, Spain), Precursor (Vancouver, Canada) and Pacer (London, UK). Second blocks features ska songs by even more international bands - Blade Loki (Wrocław, Poland), Talco (Venice, Italy), The Locos (Madrid, Spain), Jaya The Cat (Boston, USA/Amsterdam, Netherlands) and The JB Conspiracy (Guildford, UK). And in the end of the show I played 3 songs by 3 local ska bands - The Elixxxirs, Ivy League Brawlers, Los Furios. All those bands are performing on Saturday at the Shark Club @ XMAS in Skaville #10.

TEAM STRAY - Black & White [Gender Studies]
POUR HABIT - Punisher Mansion [Punisher Mansion Single]
LOCAL RESIDENT FAILURE - Where The Bloody Hell Are Ya? [A Breath Of Stale Air]
BRIXTON ROBBERS - Wasting Time [Carved Livers]
MISPLACE - Hundido en la indiferencia [¿A quién engañarás cuando hayamos muerto?]
PRECURSOR - Fireworks [Precursor EP]
PACER - Flags [Making Plans]
BLADE LOKI - Po Cichu (Psychoska) [Frruuu]
TALCO - Gran Gala [Gran Gala]
THE LOCOS - Espacio Exterior [Tiempos Difíciles]
JAYA THE CAT - Thessaloniki [The New International Sound Of Hedonism]
THE JB CONSPIRACY - Going Up In Smoke [The Calm]
THE ELIXXXIRS - Begin [Elixxx This!]
LOS FURIOS - Ska In Mexico [Never Look Back]
THE FLATLINERS - Monumental [Cavalcade]

Track Listing:

Black & White
Team Stray · Gender Studies
Punisher Mansion
Pour Habit · Punisher Mansion Single
Where The Bloody Hell Are Ya?
Local Resident Failure · A Breath Of Stale Air
Wasting Time
Brixton Robbers · Carved Livers
Hundido en la indiferencia
Misplace · ¿A quién engañarás cuando hayamos muerto?
Precursor · Precursor EP
Pacer · Making Plans
I love Living In The City
Fear · The Record
Po Cichu (Psychoska)
Blade Loki · Frruuu
Gran Gala
Talco · Gran Gala
Espacio Exterior
The Locos · Tiempos Difíciles
Jaya The Cat · The New International Sound Of Hedonism
Going Up In Smoke
The JB Conspiracy · The Calm
The Elixxxirs · Elixxx This!
Ivy League Brawlers · Demo
ska in Mexico
los Furios · never look back
The Flatliners · Cavalcade