Radio Free GAK Episode July 13, 2009
rfg #74 - "Who's looking through drywall?" (2009 July 13)
7:19am - 9:00am
Silly season in full effect, everywhere. I also take awesome notes. We join the tail end of John Tanner's "Son of Nite Dreems" where he experiences technical difficulties.
Des chansons:
1. Dirty Projectors: Cannibal Resource (Bitte Orca, 2009) Domino
2. Au Revoir Simone: All or Nothing (Still Night, Still Light, 2009) Our Secret Record Company
3. Veronica Maggio: Inget Kan Ändra På Det (Och Vinnaren Är, 2008) Universal Sweden
4. Dungen: Sätt Att Se (4, 2008) Kemado
5. Twiggy Frostbite: Heroes (Through Fire, 2009) Despotz
6. Larkin Grimm: Parplar (Parplar, 2008) Young God
7. Circlesquare: Stop Taking [So Many] (Songs about Dancing and Drugs, 2009) !K7
8. The Baldwin Brothers: Dream Girl [featuring Miho Hatori] (Cooking with Lasers, 2002) TVT
9. Stereolab: Pack Yr Romantic Mind [Channel Recognition] (Transient Random-Noise Bursts with Announcements, 1993) Elektra/Duophonic
10. Iggy Pop: I Want to Go to the Beach (Preliminaires, 2009) Astralwerks
11. Bell Orchestre: Water/Lights/Shifts (As Seen Through Windows, 2009) Arts & Crafts
12. They Might Be Giants: Other Father Song (Coraline OST, 2009) Koch
13. Bruno Coulais: Dreaming (Coraline OST, 2009) Koch
14. Bruno Coulais: Wybie (Coraline OST, 2009) Koch
15. Bruno Coulais: The Supper (Coraline OST, 2009) Koch
16. Bruno Coulais: Fantastic Garden (Coraline OST, 2009) Koch
17. Bruno Coulais: Trap for the Mices (Coraline OST, 2009) Koch
18. Bruno Coulais: It was Fantastic (Coraline OST, 2009) Koch
19. Bruno Coulais: Ghost Children (Coraline OST, 2009) Koch
20. Bruno Coulais: Wybie That Talks (Coraline OST, 2009) Koch
21. Bruno Coulais: The Famous Mister B (Coraline OST, 2009) Koch
22. Bruno Coulais: End Credits (Coraline OST, 2009) Koch
23. Bruno Coulais: Mechanical Lullaby (Coraline OST, 2009) Koch
24. Retro Stefson: Sensemi (Montaña, 2008) Kimi