Queer FM Arts Xtra Episode May 1, 2012

QueerFM Arts Xtra : May Day!

8:00am - 10:30am

It's MAY! We're rockin' it. Period.

Join Aedan Saint, DJ Lisa DeLux and Barb Snelgrove as we talk music and...WTF on this EXTENDED episode of Xtra!

QueerFM Arts Xtra is ON...and it's another fantastic episode with a LOT on tap.

Aedan Saint interviews Angus (GayVan.com) & Candice (Tourism Vancouver) on the fantastic LGBTQ outreach to visitors and windstorms in Chicago. David C. Jones panels Culture Talk with Derek Bedry, Reed Hortie, Matthew Romantini Aedan Saint and Seán Cummings and we are talking about gay stereotypes in theatre & film using The Boys in The Band as a jumping off point. Barb Snelgrove talks VanBag events all over Vancouver as well as WEIRD News - Man sues BMW about 20 month erection and... (we're not telling - you'll have to listen in!). MONSTER beats from DJ Lisa DeLux and dystopian playlist of Aedan Saint - collide TODAY!

Add generous portions of beats, offbeats, and sh^t from left field, top it off with a healthy dose of Aedan Saint's Internet playlist du jour, and a little WTF?!? ....and you've got yourself another QueerFM Arts Xtra Cocktail - served straight up. No apologies... ;)

All this and more on QueerFM Arts Xtra - sponsored by The FALL Tattoo - Vancouver! <3


CiTR - Charts
CiTR - Rio
Daft Punk - Derezzed
Intro - Aedan Saint
Interview - Candice Gibson - Tourism Vancouver & Angus Praught - GayVan.com
CiTR - TTrucks
David Bowie - Jump They Say
Intro & Rainbow24 Promo - Aedan
David C. Jones - Culture Crew : Boys In The Band
Segue - Barb Snelgrove & Aedan Saint
Destineak - Shine
Velvet Steele - Where You Gonna Put It
Weird News - Barb Snelgrove
Winter Kills - Hot As Hades
More Weird - Barb Snelgrove
Dezarate & Michel Manzano - Soul Is in the Air
DJ Lisa DeLux - Vansterdam
The BOX - Barb, Lisa & Aedan
CiTR - SynthCAKE
Velvet Steele - Get the RIGHT Toy!
CiTR - Station ID
Barb Snelgrove's VanBag
The Cure For Homophobia
CiTR - Friends Downtown
CiTR - Rio Theatre
DJ Lisa DeLux - Vansterdam II

THREE shows, MANY Locations, ALL QueerFM - with PRIDE! QueerFM. We're not sorry. You're welcome.

QueerFM broadcasts on CiTR 101.9FM Vancouver EVERY Sunday 6-8PM and QueerFM Arts Xtra - Tuesday mornings 9:30-10:30AM!

Get our weekly updates and LOTS of cool at:

Rainbow 24 - LGBTQ Voices 2012 coming June 1st...24 hours of LGBTQ content, voices, performances and cool on CiTR!

QueerFM Hawaii...is coming...

Track Listing:

Daft Punk · Tron Legacy OST
Jump They Say
David Bowie · Jump They Say EP
Destineak · Shine EP
Hot As Hades
Winter Kills · Hot As Hades EP
Soul Is In the Air
Dezarate & Michel Manzano · Soul Is In the Air EP
DJ Lisa DeLux · Vansterdam EP