Queer FM Arts Xtra Episode November 22, 2011
QueerFM Arts Xtra : Vapour Romeo FUNDRIVE 2011 Marathon!
8:00am - 10:30am
QueerFM Arts Xtra is talking with Romeo - that's right...Justin talks Romeo et Juliet...and we gave you the chance to win TICKETS to Vancouver Opera's Romeo et Juliet! Thanks Justin!! ;)
Barb Snelgrove is back and with her Van Bag events roundup, Aedan and the crew 'smoke' in the control room - Vapor in VanCity, Samantha Mack comedy, and 'You're welcome' as well as Facebook Darth Vader, and we spin some GREAT tunes for the CiTR 2011 FUNDRIVE.
Add Internet hijinks compiled by Aedan Saint, top it off with a healthy dose of Freddie Mercury vs Whembly Stadium with just a SAMPLE of Tyrell Witherspoon....and you've got another QueerFM Arts Cocktail. ;)
All this and more on QueerFM Arts Xtra - sponsored by The FALL Tattoo - Vancouver! <3
0:00:00 CiTR PSAs
0:03:00 Aedan Saint - Intro
0:07:00 Raveonettes - Oh, Stranger
0:10:00 Maroon 5 w/Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger
0:13:00 Pink - Fuckin' Perfect
0:16:30 Darth Vader TomTom
0:22:00 Aedan - FunDrive Pitch
0:23:00 CiTR - Lions PSA
0:24:00 CiTR - Rio PSA
0:26:00 Snoop Dog vs David Guetta - Sweat
0:31:00 Aedan - Fun Drive Pitch
0:32:00 Samuel L. Jackson - Blame
0:34:00 Lady Gaga - Marry LIVE
0:38:00 Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Shadow On The Run
0:42:00 CiTR - Friends of Westside
0:44:00 Aedan - FunDrive Pitch
0:45:00 Ben Folds - Brick
0:49:00 Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power of Love
0:55:00 Jimmy Kimmel - Peanuts National UnFriend Day
0:57:00 CiTR - FunDrive SLAPDRIVE
1:00:00 CiTR Station ID - Gordon of Romeo et Juliet
1:00:30 Electric Lady Lab - Touch Me
1:05:00 Tyrell Witherspoon - Glow (sneak peak)
1:07:00 Freddie Mercury vs Crowd (Under Pressure)
1:13:00 Justin Saint - Romeo et Juliet Interview
1:21:00 CiTR - FunDrive FUN Jetsons
1:22:00 Mariachi El Bronx - Revolution Girls
1:28:00 CiTR - FunDrive Chicken
1:29:00 CiTR - FunDrive Nickelback
1:30:00 Maroon 5 w/ Travis McCoy - Hearts
1:35:00 Aedan, Sam & Sam - Intro
1:40:00 Barb Snelgrove - Van Bag
1:46:00 Aedan, Barb & Sam - Vapouring
2:00:00 CiTR - FunDrive Finale
2:01:00 Darth Vader TomTom
2:02:00 Aedan, Sam, Barb - Darth Vader story
2:10:00 Kermit & Bret MCKenzie - Life's A Happy Song
2:14:00 CiTR - FunDrive
2:17:00 Billy Holiday - Night and Day
2:21:00 Aedan - Events EXTRA
2:26:00 Samantha - Sampson - Gay in the Black Church
2:30:00 OUT
Three shows, MANY Locations, ALL QueerFM - with PRIDE! QueerFM. We're not sorry. You're welcome.
QueerFM broadcasts on CiTR 101.9FM Vancouver EVERY Sunday 6-8PM - with sister shows QueerFM QMUNITY from 5-6PM Sundays and QueerFM Arts Xtra - Tuesday mornings 9:30-10:30AM!
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