Powerchord Episode December 12, 2020
Monuments To Impiety
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Winter is coming, and Ian is warding off the chill with firey true metal anthems from Spirit Adrift, Eternal Champion and Haunt!!! We'll detour through the progressive hall of mirrors conjured by Hammers of Misfortune, Vhöl, and the almighty Voivod, and also sample some of the best of Vancouver's local extreme metal underground with merciless blasters from Ceremonial Bloodbath and Vital Spirit. The second half of the show features a rush of relentless and trasnscendent black metal with unholy new abominations from Dark Fortress and Cultus Profano, along with majestic epics from Skagos and Sombres Forêts. Paysage D'Hiver's monstrous Im Wald is one of the most titanic black metal recordings 2020 has to offer, and we will unleash a towering masterpiece from that record on you as well. Welcome the approaching darkness with us as we by dig a classic track from Norway's legendary Emperor out of The Graveyard! Ward off the chill and stoke the flames...