Pedal Revolutionary (2008)
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spin aaall the way around to the pedal revolutionary raygundio show. horking up the airwaves every other thursday from 5:00-6:00 pm pst. that’s right babies, we be hopped-up on the person machine, spreading the gosPEDAL…through the magic of moving parts, transforming rush >hour >death metal to tush hour click clack brrring!
Rain Is Your Friend. Bicycle traffic report by Gore-Tex/conspiracism enthusiast Mister Trf Mwr. Music by Lou Reed, Slim Whitman, Patachou, Chuck Aherns, Lovin Spoonful, Juliette Greco, Collins/Jones Astoria Hot 8 & more. 06-Nov-2008November62008 -
Towards CarFree Cities - municipal candidates & cyclists discussion forum, recorded at Velofusion Sept 26-08. Music: 'Karma Car' by Booka Shade 09-Oct-2008 09-Oct-2008October92008 -
Information wants to be free....the saga continues... 25-Sep-2008September252008 -
Information wants to be free. Underground the skies are blue. We're joined by the 571mul470r of submedia.tv. Fresh from the DNC/RNC, he tells of the pit and the pendulum. Music by Gogol Bordello, Itchkung, and the Slobots. 11-Sep-2008September112008 -
Working Class Heroes: Richard Seymour, Worker of the World & Man Behind the Curtain at Free Geek Portland; Joey Only, of collar blue, raiding the Little Red Songbook; Rowan Lipkovitz of Creaking Plank-dom issues peeps 14-Aug-08August142008 -
We guest-host CiTR's 'Shameless,' an eclectic music show with a Canadian bent. 27-Jul-2008July272008 -
Copilot David Repa saves the airwaves, and strikes a victory for traffic calming on the east side. He also airs part of a BBC documentary "The Fall and Rise of the Bicycle - Europe: The Once and Future King of the Road" 17-Jul-2008July172008 -
Bikes and the Law: Bike Lawyer David Hay talks about tort and what to do at the crash scene, Jack Bates tells us about the hand-cranked bike ICBC paid to rent, and we get a surprise call from Gwendal Castellan 19-Jun-2008June192008 -
Velo-champ, snake charmer, populist and all-around fireball CARMEN MILLS. More info: carfreevancouver.org and gatewaysucks.org ALSO Bike traffic report by our East Van field correspondent Alec 05-Jun-2008June52008 -
Kelsey, Shamez and Michael J of streetsareforpeople.org bring us the poignant story of a car-shaped petition: 'Not one more $ to Car Culture.' Bicycle Traffic Report by the Urban Repair Squad. 24-Apr-2008April242008 -
Expert Revolutionary Bonnie Fenton, Program Director of the VACC's Commuter Cycling Skills Program & Chair of the City of Vancouver's Bicycle Advisory Committee. http://vacc.bc.ca http://vacc.bc.ca/bikeskills vacc.bc.ca/biketowork 10-Apr-2008April102008 -
Mike Librik, co-owner of Easy Street Recumbents & member of the League of Bicycle Voters (nee Citizens for Cycling Freedom) in Austin Texas 28-Feb-2008February282008