Broadcast on 15-Aug-2009
i liked the scribbles? 08-Aug-2009?
second last show? it's 01-Aug-2009!
Broadcast on 11-Jul-2009
Broadcast on 04-Jul-2009
Broadcast on 20-Jun-2009
Broadcast on 06-Jun-2009
Broadcast on 30-May-2009
FakeProject.com, part 4 of the John Searle lectures, Other Stuff
Broadcast on 09-May-2009
Broadcast on 02-May-2009
Broadcast on 25-Apr-2009
three layers of noise were broadcast on 18-Apr-2009
Broadcast on 11-Apr-2009
I Like The Fill-in (04-Apr-2009)
Broadcast on 28-Mar-2009
Broadcast on 21-Mar-2009
Broadcast on 14-Mar-2009
Broadcast on 07-Mar-2009
Broadcast on 28-Feb-2009
Joel! post kool keith on 21-Feb-2009
Broadcast on 14-Feb-2009
07-Feb-2009: I don't need religious buttf*cks anymore, anymore
31-Jan-2009 - Epic Computer Failure
Seven Point Mind Training!! 24-Jan-2009
Broadcast on 10-Jan-2009
Broadcast on 03-Jan-2009
Joel and Dusty came in on 27-Dec-2008
Broadcast on 13-Dec-2008
Broadcast on 06-Dec-2008
Joel and someone 29-Nov-2008
FundDrive2008 part 2 22-Nov-2008
Fundrive 2008 part 1: 15-Nov-2008
Broadcast on 08-Nov-2008
Broadcast on 01-Nov-2008
25-Oct-2008, still unemployed
Broadcast on 18-Oct-2008
Thats what She or He said 11-Oct-2008
Broadcast on 04-Oct-2008
I lost my job on 27-Sep-2008
Broadcast on 20-Sep-2008
some brutal honesty 13-Sep-2008
Electric Light Orchestra? 06-Sep-2008
I had beer and cake and played foosball on 30-Aug-2008
Broadcast on 16-Aug-2008, but it felt like 2001
Broadcast on 09-Aug-2008
Paint my Nightmare 26-Jul-2008
19-Jul-2008 Cop Honking Holiday
Who Needs Sleep Anyway, roughly 05-Jul-2008
Dr. J Lamprey Guest hosted on 28-Jun-2008
Broadcast on 21-Jun-2008
Eeek, friday the 13th! 14-Jun-2008
Still raining on 07-Jun-2008
The show is back! 31-May-2008
Carts or Darkness? 10-May-2008
My Life Isn't a Reality Show - 26-Apr-2008
I can't believe it snowed on 19-Apr-2008
Broadcast on 05-Apr-2008
phone call from Joel on 22-Mar-2008
Joel came in on 15-Mar-2008
Broadcast on 08-Mar-2008 - zeitgeist!
whoa! late again! oh well, it's 01-Mar-2008
Whoa late show! 23-Feb-2008
Made people smarter on 16-Feb-2008
Broadcast on 09-Feb-2008
New Year Hangover hitting hard on 02-Feb-2008
Broadcast on 26-Jan-2008
Dusty started his radio show on 19-Jan-2008
Broadcast on 12-Jan-2008
The Second Annual One Needle Show aired on 29-Dec-2007
shirach rock rawkk (22-Dec-2007)
I miss you already Ashleigh
01-Dec-2007 - waiting for the first snow to fall
Apec happened ten y ears before 24-Nov-2007
Chris Battled The Keeper on 17-Nov-2007
Broadcast on 10-Nov-2007
Nard's 20th anniversary show was on 03-Nov-2007
Don't deny yourself some pleasure on 27-Oct-2007
Where did the summer go? it's 20-Oct-2007 already
dude 06-Oct-2007
29-Sep-2007 was the last day of my september
on 22-Sep-2007 I was late
Broadcast on 15-Sep-2007
Dude 08-Sep-2007 is the end of frosh week
almost didn't make it into the building on 01-Sep-2007
I had to ninja into the studio on 25-Aug-2007
trapped in r kelley's closet on 18-Aug-2007
I was super late on 11-Aug-2007
The second cumming of christ didn't happen on 04-Aug-2007
Broadcast on 28-Jul-2007
Broadcast on 21-Jul-2007
the day after friday the 13th: 14-Jul-2007
finally finished moving on 07-Jul-2007
I was born 29 years before 30-Jun-2007
Broadcast on 16-Jun-2007
The petals caressed my eyelids on 09-Jun-2007
I said 'Happy Birthday Pat' on 02-Jun-2007
System.DateTime.Now() = 26-May-2007
man i was tired on 19-May-2007
duck duck 12-May-2007 GOOSE
WHAT IS IT 05-May-2007
Billy killed his snake on 28-Apr-2007
21-Apr-2007 was a good day to cut the grass
Friday the 13th!
The show from 07-Apr-2007 wasn't as good as the previous show
on 31-Mar-2007 i stopped living and started dying
24-Mar-2007 > other days
The worst movie i've ever seen was released on 10-Mar-2007
03-Mar-2007 was a full moon
I got a raise the week of 24-Feb-2007
Where were YOU on 17-Feb-2007
Broadcast on 10-Feb-2007
Website launched on 03-Feb-2007
I was really freakin sick on 27-Jan-2007
13-Jan-2007 was not a good night for dead air
You say 'Tomato', I say " 06-Jan-2007 "
The year ended on 30-Dec-2006
Broadcast on 23-Dec-2006 in STEREOPHONIXXXXXXX+(tm)
The world did NOT end on 09-Dec-2006
02-Dec-2006 was a cold day.
the day (18-Nov-2006) will live on in infamy
FUNdriving under the influence - 11-Nov-2006
Broadcast on 04-Nov-2006, with love
Broadcast on 23-Sep-2006