Exquisite Corpse Episode July 16, 2009
The usual avant garde muzak and an interview with Anna Fisher of the Olympic Resistance Network
7:30am - 9:01am
steve fisk, 448 deathless days, break on thru
Lex Plexus, The Tangerine Album, Centipede
Phantogram, , Running From the Cops
Genevieve Pasquier, Soap Bubble Factory, L'apperance C'est Tout, CD, false, false, true, true, true
Blank Dogs, The Fields, Before the Hours
Manhatton Love Suicides, Manhatton Love Suicides, Last Stand
Crystal Stilts, Crystal Stilts, Shattered Line
XXL , Wire Tapper 14, Paw Paw Paw Paw Paw Paw Paw
Francois Couture, Tape Speed..., Bicycle
laibach, life is life, life is life
Dog Day, Concentration, Neighboor
Chris Morris, Blue Jam, Doc Phone
Dum Dum Girls, , Brite Futures,