Exquisite Corpse Episode August 23, 2007


7:32am - 9:01am

Torngat, You Could Be, Mouton Noir,
Burning Star Core, Burning Star Core, Shoot Me out the Sky,
The Definitive Host, The Definitive Host, iLife Stinks,
Matthew Herbert/Radio Mentale, I could Never Make that Music Again, Cool Noises,
Katie McMurran, Deep Wireless 4, Your List of Transcendental ,
Wobbly, Project Bicycle, Flee,
Ferdinand Kriwet, Voice of America, Voice of America,
Mudsuckers, Mudsuckers, Endocrine Disrupters,
Oleg Kostrow, Oleg Kostrow, Todesvision,
Dome , 2, Ritual view,
Tobias Lilja, Time is on My Side, Dreams of Movement,
The Piss, , Listen Think Remember,
Chris Burke, Idioglossia, H. / Television Repairman
Lucas, s/t, It Wants to Be Touched, ,
Twink, Broken Record, alphabent,
Cone Five, Ants in The Sugar, Painfully Shy,
Daniel A.I.U. Higgs, Atomic Yggdrasil , Hems and Seams