Exquisite Corpse Episode May 3, 2007
Broadcast on 03-May-2007
7:30am - 9:03am
Coco Rosie, The Adventures of Ghosthorse..., Rainbowarriors
Coco Rosie, The Adventures of Ghosthorse..., Sunshine
Share, Can Can Missile, Bare Walls
Purest Spiritual Pigs, Purest Spiritual Pigs, Burnt Through
Whitey, The Light at the End of the Tunnel is a Train, Non Stop
Roger Miller Maximum Electric Piano, The Big Industry, Manic Depression
Terminal Sound System, Compressor, Black Note
Valet, Yeti 4 (book + CD), Blood is Clean
Clint Mansell / Kronos Quartet / Mogwai, The Fountain, Holy Dread
Sterling, Cursed, AC A Ci A
Part Chimp, Cup, And Hell is Behind Me
Pellucid / Conect-icut, Not Me, Not Me
Destroyer, Yeti 4 (book + CD), No One Needs to Know
Glomag , , Numbers
Animals within Animals, Parts is Parts, A Man Has Needs
Schneider TM, skoda mluvit, The Slide
Momus, Ocky Milk, Moop Bears,