End Of The World News Episode January 16, 2013

Broadcast on 16-Jan-2013

11:00am - 2:00am

base track

Auslaufrille II


Archiv 1.1

UrSonate by Kurt Schwitters performed by Steven Schick and Shahrokh Yadegari

Murder on the Screen - 1958 Film Handling Educational Documentary

This Is Automation - 1955 General Electric Educational Documentary

Dateline Tomorrow - 1940's Aluminum Industry Educational Documentary

Freedom Files

The illuminati Exposed By Muammar Gaddafi

rnold Schoenberg (1874-1951): Verklärte Nacht (Transfigured Night / La Nuit transfigurée), Op.4 (1899)

Pierre Boulez: Membres de L'Ensemble Int

Edgar Varése (1897-1965): Poème électronique, per nastro magnetico (1958).


Karlheinz Stockhausen: "Telemusik" (1966) Electronic music.
Sources for information contained in the annotations to this video: "Stockhausen, A

John Cage about silence

Kurt Schwitters - Ursonate

by Loche555 • 66,998 views
Ce fragment de l'URSONATE (Sonate de sons primitifs) interprété pas Kurt Schwitters fut enregistré le 5 mai 1932 à Francfort par la station Südde

MERZBAU reconstruction at Berkeley Art Museum 7/2011. Video and timelapse by Mona Caron. Music: Béla Bartok, Six Rumanian Folk Dances - Roumanian P...

Dada and Cabaret Voltaire