Breakfast With The Browns Episode October 8, 2012

Broadcast on 08-Oct-2012

8:09am - 8:09am

NAW - harbourline rendered (city saturate)
The Daught - slugher of the quiet mind (Slaughters of the quiet mind)
brian eno - ikebukoro (shutov assembly)
heiki - neon tube (paper sound)
NAW - city saturate 1/ strangelove (city saturate)
NAW - city saturate II (city staurate)
NAW - city saturate III (city saturate)
tim gerwing - ambient textures (exikatetsu)
ishq - bhakti (orchid)
ishq - cyandragonfly (orchid)
tim gerwing - electronic music maps (exikatetsu)
Heiki - track 4 (paper sound)
dead can dance - anabasis/ children of the sun (anastasis)
heiki - track 5 (paper sounds)
various - dreaming (deli to dublin)
dark orchard - nine mattresses (s/t)
wavelength - the nice price (samara lubelsky)
phono d'enfant - blue waves (the golden age of mexican cinema)
brasstronaut - mixtape (mean sun)
tony allen - secret agent (secret agent)
fela - black man's cry (black man's cry)
bebel - sun is shining (all in one)
nina lowolo - ijo (secret agent)
dan the automator - professor pyaeial (bombay the hard way)

Track Listing:

harbourline rendered
naw · city saturate
slugher of the quiet mind
The Daught · Slaughters of the quiet mind
brian eno · shutov assembly
neon tube
heiki · paper sound
city saturate 1/ strangelove
NAW · city saturate
city saturate II
NAW · city staurate
city saturate III
NAW · city saturate
ambient textures
tim gerwing · exikatetsu
Ishq · Orchid
Ishq · Orchid
electronic music maps
tim gerwing · exikatetsu
track 4
Heiki · paper sound
anabasis/ children of the sun
dead can dance · anastasis
track 5
heiki · paper sounds
various · deli to dublin
nine mattresses
dark orchard · s/t
the nice price
wavelength · samara lubelsky
blue waves
phono d'enfant · the golden age of mexican cinema
brasstronaut · mean sun
Secret Agent
Tony Allen · Secret Agent
black man's cry
fela · black man's cry
sun is shining
bebel · all in one
nina lowolo · secret agent
professor pyaeial
dan the automator · bombay the hard way