All Awesome In Your Ears Episode July 6, 2008
Transmission #5
8:00am - 9:05am
MBot has friends!
1. Chris Lamb - "The City" (Demo)
2. Loose Change Trio - "Emanuel" (Unstruck Note)
3. Brandon Scott - "Sleeping by her Side" (Demo)
4. The Greatest Explorers in the World - "The Romantics"
(Aaargh! Annual Vol.2)
5. Alphababy - "Run" (You Gentle Crustacean)
6. Azeda Booth - "Ram" (In Flesh Tones)
SBot has friend!
7. Porchlight Trail - "Untitled" (Demo)
8. Porchlight Trail - "Untitled" (Demo)
9. Prochlight Trail - "Pink Sunshine" (Smoking Fields of the Sea)
10. Porchlight Trail - "Blue Sparks of the Forest" (Smoking Fields of the Sea)
11. Porchlight Trail - "Grimp and Mire" (Smoking Fields of the Sea)
12. Porchlight Trail - "Wooden Bells" (Smoking Fields of the Sea)