Aboriginal Front Door Society
Aboriginal Front Door Society
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We are pleased to share stories of individuals who have triumphed over a life of addictions from the Downtown Eastside. If you would like to participate please reach out to us at reception@abfrontdoor.org.
About the Aboriginal Front Door Society:
The Aboriginal Front Door Society is a culturally safe, peer-designed non-judgemental place for Aboriginal Peoples and their friends and family in the Downtown East Side.
We create hope and offer support through Aboriginal cultural traditions, caring, and acceptance.
We are a meeting place and a drop-in centre with a welcoming environment, providing opportunities to learn more about Aboriginal Peoples and Culture. When necessary, we can also offer other services, such as serving as a crisis centre, brokering long-term and specialty trauma counseling, and doing court accompaniments.
Our goal is to restore respect, dignity, and pride to our members.