Real Live Action


Destroyer and Frog Eyes are both the kind of bands that are geographically nebulous, even to the people that share a city with them. Although…


Project Space

Vancouver Art/Book Fair

In its essence, publication is the process of creating a public–– a community who witness a work. This idea comes from Matthew Stadler, co-founder of…


Levitation Vancouver

It’s festival season, though most music-loving Vancouverites already know that. With some of the continent’s biggest and best music festivals already come and gone, the…

Real Live Action

John Wiese

I was at The Getty last August. The afternoon hovered around 30°C: desultory conditions for tourists like myself. So, walking around the museum’s grounds, I…

Under Review

Shearing Pinx

Noise rock miscreants Shearing Pinx are a different beast on their fourth LP, People. With the addition of S. Koke on bass and backing vocals,…


Here's the Thing

At a recent party I found myself regaling a group with my premiere foray into making fresh cheese at home. I’d gotten the kit from…



Advised in jazz dens, scribbled by beatniks, and nodded during the reigns of rock and grunge; the word ‘cool’ has survived decades of discourse. As…