Real Live Action


I had high hopes for the album release party at the Biltmore for recent Nevado signees, Hunting, and did my best to keep them that…


Reef Shark

“That’s the good thing about being good friends in a band. You can just, like, shit on each other.” It’s late on a Wednesday afternoon…


Staff Sound-Off

After the festive hangover of December, it’s understandable why people are a bit weary of the holidays that follow. That’s right. I’m talking about the…


The Written Years

There isn’t a lot of information online about the Written Years. They have a Twitter account and a Facebook page, like most musicians well-versed in…


Discorder Revisited

“We’re looking for a band to play with us who aren’t the usual punk double-bill. Are you guys interested?” Tom Anselmi, the lead singer of…


Discorder Revisited

If I may, I’d like to take you all on a trip back to 1986: Vancouver has just turned the ripe age of 100-years-old, the…

Under Review


Future You by Reverter Beautifully disjointed and exceptionally unsettled, Future You mixes elements of math rock and post rock to create a rather magnetic experience….