For me, what makes change so unsettling is not having to adapt to the new or mourn for what’s gone, but the way time itself suddenly feels more real when things change. Normally time is an abstract concept that we as humans attempt to interpret through clocks or moon cycles, but time doesn’t actually have shape or substance… Unless something changes, and then two separate timelines are created in our minds: the before-change, and the after-change. These periods of time are no longer abstract concepts, rather, they become pockets of memories or ambitions — memories to reminisce over, or ambitions to look forward to.
September is a time of change. Either you’re a student or faculty returning to studies, or you’re outside a seasonal institution and feeling the actual change of season — crisper air, and all that. And maybe you’ve been reading Discorder for a couple years and you’ve realized that we have changed, too:

The new format you are holding in your hands or admiring online is the result of spirited masthead discussions around the nature of independent publishing and distinguished design, and lovingly produced by our Art Director, Ricky Castanedo. This reformat is not a rebrand; it’s more like a really good dye job. Discorder has changed its style many times since 1983, but our content and overall aesthetic stays the same: passionately and provocatively representative of the local DIY arts community.
There is also new staff! The Station Manager of CiTR and Discorder‘s new publisher is Hugo Noriega, whose creative projects have been featured. (Hugo is actually close to acquiring the most mentions in Discorder, second only to D.O.A., and tailed closely by War Baby.) We also want to welcome CiTR’s new Program Manager, former Spoken Word Coordinator Madeline Taylor. Finally, shout out to the new Student Executive for the 2016 / 17 year led by Shea McConkey and Christine Powell, and our new Discorder Student Liaison Claire Bailey.
Change is an inadvertent theme in this issue: Art d’Ecco discusses the cosmetic change that brought him closer to his creativity; Wishkicker becomes a 5-piece for the release of Wider Vision; Andrea Lukic grows Hick’s presence on stage, but not in the studio; Erica Leiren’s Discorder Revisited is inspired by the sighting of an old bandmate; and Destroy Vancouver concludes with a series finale on September 8. Everything changes.
PS. New to town or just wanting to crawl out of your shell? Flip to page 19 for a list of local venues and galleries, and page 13 for upcoming events. And see you at Sweet Pup Studios September 16 for The Micro Mac-rodeo in the Sky!
PPS. Thank you Web exPress for the really good dye job.