L.A. harbingers of noise HEALTH decided to subject their 2009 release Get Color to the same treatment as their self-titled debut, distributing the tracks amongst their favourite electronic wizards to be remixed and reinterpreted. DISCO2 completely reinvents the already acclaimed Get Color and opens it up to a wider, if not completely different audience. For good measure, HEALTH starts the collection of remixes off with a brand new single produced by Alan Moulder (who is responsible for My Bloody Valentine, NIN and Depeche Mode to name a few). “USA Boys” is a departure from the quartet’s usual noisy compositions. It is a surprisingly calm track with deep beats and ambient vocals, setting the pace for the remixes to follow. CFCF is first up, taking “Before Tigers” and manipulating the three-and-a-half minutes of resonating noise into a gentle five-minute melody. Javelin manages to turn the erratic “In Heat” into a funked-out dance track while the trashy buzz and quick rolling beats of “Nice Girls” are transformed into a pleasant, mid tempo journey with Little Loud at the wheel. Most notable (and full of super-hipster prestige) is the rematch between HEALTH and Crystal Castles. This time, HEALTH throws “Eat Flesh” into the ring and Crystal Castles chews up the chaotic whirlwind of minimalist noise, spitting out an electronic tsunami born of the same spirit. All in all, 11 tracks are cleverly re-imagined, ultimately offering an interesting and more widely accessible perspective on HEALTH’s original conceptions.