In September, Snowblink, consisting of Toronto-based duo Dan Goldman and Daniela Gesundheit, released Inner Classics, named after the foundational book of Chinese medicine called Huangdi Neijing. This album was written in several locations from Lake Erie, Toronto, and Malibu, which is clear in the range of terrain covered in their lyrics.
Inner Classics seems to be concerned with the natural universe. Or maybe both Gesundheit and Goldman have shamans and spirit animals. The album opens with “Pray for Surf,” with background vocals that remind me of attending Catholic church, if the priest was Feist. Their lyrics imply a marriage with nature, (“Don’t forget you’re made of Earth’s sun/ Earth is water three parts to one/ Deep dark water/ Don’t forget to pray for surf”) and illustrate an element of pop, while not being particularly memorable or danceable, leaving a lacklustre feeling.
The album flows from song to song, but while the music delighted me at first, its steady repetition became boring.
On “Goodbye Eyes,” Snowblink really switched up their sound without going too far outside of their skill set, starting with African drumbeats, followed by a symphonic angel-like voice, before finally incorporating an acoustic guitar for a weird flow that still works. A melodic voice harmonizes with the guitar, and clashing drums pounding away the back beat. Gesundheit’s mesmerizing voice seems to wrap around your bones like a warm blanket.
Overall, Inner Classic’s variations were bland and repetitive. While the lyrics were interesting enough, and some songs even caught a hold of my eardrums, Snowblink’s sound is not spontaneous enough—although fascinating songs like “Black and White Mountains” and “Goodbye Eyes” make this an album meant for a journey along a coastal twining road that eases you into the dusky sunset.