What better way to say goodbye to summer and welcome the season of the witch than a triple bill of local metal? On Sept. 11, legions of loyal metalheads let down their greasy locks, put on their dirtiest jean vests and swarmed into the Commodore for a night of earsplitting pandemonium.

The Golers warmed up the boozy crowd with an entertaining set of tunes that pinballed around the grey area between punk and metal, quickly proving that tonight, the only difference between the Commodore and the Cobalt was the size of the stage and the price of the beer.
Next up were Vancouver’s beloved ambassadors of thrash, Bison B.C. A year or so of relentless touring has only made them louder, tighter and their hair longer (haircuts are mostly likely contractually forbidden by their label, Metal Blade). The expectations are always high when Bison B.C. takes the stage, and they never disappoint. Their epic thrash and endless energy took control of the room.
With the crowd well worn in, but not worn out, it was time for the evening’s Dungeon Masters to make an attack roll, and it was evident from Cam Pipes’ first glass-shattering note that 3 Inches of Blood would score a critical hit. They blasted through a set that had their rabid disciples frantic with approval. The loyal minions smashed into one another with their fists pumping and horns waving, and were rewarded with a handful of tunes off the brand new album, old anthems like “Deadly Sinners,” and even a Blue Öyster Cult cover.
After a battle well fought, the masses marched proudly past the pillaged merch booth and into the night with obliterated eardrums, battered bodies and victorious grins.