No Age’s new album Everything In Between is being released at the tail end of a huge year in indie rock; a lot of big bands have put out great albums, but there still seems to be plenty of energy and hype left for the L.A. duo. Their much anticipated third full-length lives up to all expectations, Everything In Between finds Dean Spunt and Randy Randall in the midst of a creative explosion, offering 13 diverse tracks solely composed and performed by two men. “Fever Dreaming” and “Shed and Transcend” are the kind of trashy buzz rock that Sub Pop was built on. More melodic songs like “Glitter” are as huge as anything any seven piece can produce. “Life Prowler” and “Common Heat” find beauty in simplicity and the album isn’t without a few of the duo’s lush instrumentals as well. Everything In Between is a great indie rock album made by a couple punk rock kids who love to make music. It is not only one of the most important albums of the year, it is probably the coolest. So all you hipsters better pick up an extra shift at the coffee shop so you can buy a copy and in ten years you can brag to the kids about how cool you were [ed. It’s worth noting that Mr. Paulhus himself sports a wispy moustache and faux Ray-Bans from time to time.]; and all you old audiophiles, you best grab a copy too, file it somewhere between Pavement’s Slanted and Enchanted and Mudhoney’s Piece of Cake.