That magazine from CiTR 101.9 turned 30 this year, so let’s party! Come boogie at the Biltmore with us to celebrate.
4 bands! $10 at the door! Fun folks! Fun times!
Hot Panda | Fun-lovin’ indie rock quartet and cover artists from July/August, 2012.
Dirty Spells | Psych rock trio from the pages of April 2012, blazing a trail with their recent debut full length.
Phoenix Thunderbird | The high-kickingest hard rockingest dudes about town, about to set sail on summer tour.
Hooves | A bunch of girls playing a bunch of lo-fi party pop. Giddyup.
Proceeds go to Discorder magazine to keep publication and support for Vancouver’s independent music scene motoring for another excellent 30 years.
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