Under Review

Corey Gulkin

All the Things I’ll Forget

(Self-Released); 26/01/2018


Imagine getting a ride home late one evening, letting your head rest on the windowpane. You allow the the darkness behind closed eyelids to isolate you with the sounds of Corey Gulkin’s All the Things I’ll Forget — the softness of her voice and the haunting simplicity of instrumentals nudging you along the edge of consciousness.

Emerging with a new name from the Montreal music scene, Gulkin (formerly Corinna Rose) establishes herself once more as an intricate songwriter with a talent for incorporating stories into her lyrics. Delving into the memory of sexual coercion in an abusive relationship, the pure poetry of the album serves to guide Gulkin in her aim to transform the remnants of trauma into something tangible for survivors and something real for listeners to think deeper about.

Her gentle voice is the raw center of each song, engaging occasionally in harmonies with backing vocals like on the gradual crescendo of “Under the Covers.” All the Things I’ll Forget is at turns dark and dream-like as Gulkin crafts a multifaceted collection of eight songs that skillfully merge the sounds of guitar, violin, harp with synth textures and electronic resonance to colour her introspective lyrics.

Both hypnotizing and heartbreaking, the songs take a step forward from traditional indie folk and mix together jazz, folk and electronic. All the Things I’ll Forget is a raw and artfully constructed album of bold arrangements and eclectic sounds, in which Gulkin creates a world inhabited solely by her voice and words that linger in the listener’s memory long after the album’s conclusion. Listening to her powerful creation, All the Things I’ll Forget’s beautiful music is an invitation to its listeners to explore truth alongside the implications of forgiveness.