Rip Rip Roar is a fresh sketch and improv comedy duo consisting of Lauren Cochrane and Aaron Merke. They have been working together for four years but only recently launched Rip Rip Roar as their brainchild, and are now enriching the Vancouver comedy scene with a new homemade video clip each month. They get their inspiration from television, music and watching people in thrift stores or familial situations. The outcome is a montage of short and self-contained clips that show absurd what-if scenarios: where two divorce lawyers who were once married to each other still have a law firm together, where a muppet confesses a murder, and where Cochrane and Merke’s dads host a parenting show. With the combo being a newcomer, Cochrane said she still has to earn a living by doing “whatever pays the bills.” Let’s keep our fingers crossed that that won’t be necessary for much longer! Check out their YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/user/ripriproar) or Comedy Waste to share the enjoyment of some observant and spot-on comedy.