Frank Rumbletone, host of Rumbletone Radio A Go Go, has been exploring his interest in blown amps and speakers through the medium of radio since you were still knee-high to a hotrod. He inherited his current time slot after years of persistent encouragement from Nardwuar the Human Serviette, who heard about Frank’s old show in San Diego. Frank himself is a fixture in the local punk, rock and garage scene, with a reputation as one of the city’s best live promoters and dedicated fans. Specializing in songs with an average length of less than two minutes, he has crammed more fuzzed-out b-sides and rarities into his decades-long college radio career than the average university student will ever hear.
Discorder: What’s been your most memorable on-air moment?
Frank Rumbletone: The most memorable was when a band called the Pandoras—this all-girl garage band—invaded the station. All of their songs were pretty perverted and they actually deep-throated the microphones live on the air.
D: In this very radio booth?!
FR: No, that was in California. In this town, Little Guitar Army came to demonstrate how good their little guitars are—this was just last week. They came in to demonstrate how bitchin’ and superior their little guitars are to the average sized guitar.
D: Who’s been your best guest?
FR: It was nice having [former CiTR program coordinator] Bryce Dunn down the hallway. He was the real brains behind the program. I could ask him anything about any band and he was able to spit out details.
D: Which album would you bring to a deserted island?
FR: The Morlocks’ Emerge. That album blew out not only one pair of speakers that I’ve owned, but two. That and maybe, oh… just one? Well, then the Dwarves’ Horror Stories. It’s completely acid-drenched fuzz, back when they were basically a ‘60s style punk band. I played that album like hell when it came out [in 1986], way before anybody even knew who the heck they were!
D: What is your favourite CiTR radio show?
FR: Chis-a-riffic’s [Parts Unknown]!
D: Wow, he’s won two months in a row!
FR: Chris is just great. In the future, people are going to look back and say, “I remember when that guy was doing college radio.”
D: What does the future hold for Rumbletone Radio A Go Go?
FR: The future of Rumbletone Radio A Go Go depends on the listeners. As long as the phone boards keep lighting up and people keep tapping me on the shoulder at gigs and telling me how much they enjoy listening… that’s what keeps me coming here week after week.
Rumbletone Radio A Go Go airs Wednesdays from 3 to 5 p.m.