If you’re a fan of live music, you really have to take your hat off to Jason “my!gay!husband!” Sulyma. Just over a year after launching Glory Days on a snowy Saturday at the Biltmore, the weekly’s popularity has risen to the point where he could probably forgo the cost of paying a band to play (nearly) every week and still easily fill the place. In fact, while most similarly-formatted nights rely on the band to draw some of their crowd, Glory Days’ popularity, in and of itself, gives bands an opportunity to play in front of a guaranteed packed house made up of people that wouldn’t otherwise be attending their shows. While this is a great chance to perform in front of some new faces, the general indifference of most of the audience means that Glory Days’ bands are sometimes treated like an interruption of the evening’s DJ portions, rather than the night’s focal point.
With that in mind, hats go off to Fine Mist for converting their fair share of new fans during their mid-party set. The electro-pop duo worked through a set of shimmering dance tunes from their as-yet-unreleased full-length, Public Domain, building slowly but surely before getting the bulk of the crowded dance floor moving by the time they launched into the sublime “Stop or Start.” As good as the duo of Megan McDonald and Jay Arner was, it’s also worth noting the assistance they received from some of the Fine Mist faithfuls in attendance. If you can measure a band by the fervour of its most devoted followers, Fine Mist’s ready to blow up like Kiss. Their hardcore fans brought an army’s worth of enthusiasm with them. It’s always easier to enjoy something when everyone around you is, and between the mass sing-a-longs, group hugs and sheer joy being expressed up front, it was damn near impossible not to get caught up in the band’s set.