Cayne Mckenzie’s boyish voice and fluid piano serve as the centrepiece, while David Menzel’s jangling guitar and Andy Huculiak’s gentle, dynamic beats fill out the songs and push them forward. However, nothing is as it seems here, the songs rise and fall and deviate from conventional formula. They are filled with surprising, disjointed breakdowns that are at times awkward, but at least display the musicians’ creativity and openness towards experimentation. Similarly, the innocently whimsical, minimalist lyrics often date the band, but come from an imaginative place. Quiet World proves to be the creative work of an inspired and determined band that possesses defiance, drive and conviction. The album will surely have young indie rock girls swooning and weeping, while us crotchety, old hack music critics watch the band’s progress with a curious eye and an open ear.
We Are The City
In A Quiet World (Self-Released)
Review By Mark PaulHus