Edo Van Breemen, eldest son of university professor Cornelius Van Breemen, is presently to Vancouver’s synth-rock garage scene what Calvin Johnson was to Olympia’s lo-fi scene of the late ‘80s. Van Breemen has been very busy making things happen as of late, what with running Unfamiliar Records with Greg Ipp, playing with his other band Brasstronaut and touring with high-profile Unfamiliar Records artist Japandroids. Of all Van Breemen’s projects, though, the Clips are a definite fan favourite, and their live performances have become a rare treat. The Clips’ sound is heavily synth-riff driven, and the keyboard melodies alone could entertain a dance party. Nicely filling out the ensemble’s sound are Mike Jones (guitar), James Steidle (keys) and Andrew Seeton (bass), with very danceable drum beats and violin provided by Jeremy Gruman.
The Clips
July 24 @ The Astoria
Review By Robert Fougere