Parts Unknown Episode May 29, 2017
i forgot to tell this story
1:00pm - 3:00pm
so I couldn't find my keys, and I have a habit of leaving them in keyholes. So I looked everywhere for about two hours, to no avail. I already went to the recycling door and my keys weren't there. But I tried again. Of course the keys weren't there, but I did see a note that said KEYS FOUND with the person's number!!!! The lady who found them was a lady I had a run in with months ago. I startled her and her dogs pulling into the parking lot. She was so mad at me, she followed me into the parking lot and gave me a good once over!!!! The lady, figuring out who I was from my voice on the phone, could have dug a hole and dropped the keys in. But she told me she dropped them in her mail box and I could get them there. Lo and Behold, she was true to her word. I picked them up and that was that. So thank you to that lady!!!!!! MUSIC WASTE THIS WEEK!!!!!!