Samsquanch's Hide-away Episode February 25, 2009

Broadcast on 25-Feb-2009

6:30pm - 8:00pm

No description available for this episode.

Track Listing:

buck 65 · situation
circlesquare · songs about dancing and drugs
rotten pear
andrew vincent · rotten pear
the dears · missiles
plastic flag
novillero · a little tradition
ain't got nothin'
the gruesomes · gruesomania
safety show · blackwater
from blown speakers
the new pornographers · electric version
late night mating dance
ashtray boy · the euro
having an average weekend
shadowy men on a shadowy planet · savvy show stoppers
north dakota
thrush hermit · sweet homewrecker
real thing
the pointed sticks · last call: vancouver independent music 77-88
Common People
William Shatner