CiTR Hosts Bring the Weird: 12pm to 4pm


12 p.m. ish – 1 p.m.
Duncan McHugh (Duncan’s Donuts) presents:
Weird Donuts. Duncan McHugh will calling art at home to say Happy Birthday? WILL ART PICK UP THE PHONE?
1 p.m. – 3 pm.
Oswaldo Perez (Morning After Show) presents:
Japanese noise, crazy spoken word with eerie sounds, concrete mixes.
Oswaldo Perez Cabrera is a Mexican journalist living in Vancouver.  He currently hosts and produces The Morning After Show on CITR 101.9 FM, every Tuesday at 11:30
3 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Richard Trimble (Mantra) presents:

Old Time Radio Shoe Shiner: A collage of fun and exciting sounds probably not featuring, man says:

“Old 80′s boom box plays _this_is_a_journey_into_sound_  samples from mass-produced gems boldly holding their own but not letting go at all even to look at the empty space which is without a single sound at all no-one looking or feeling anything except for the absence of structure holding it all in but not breathing at all this sound is your sound is a sound but not the sound at least not that one you were looking for .. don’t you forget about me cuz we will rock you and everybody get funky better call the police .. God bless you Mr. Cage

(Thank you to Nicolas Sassoon for his .gifs that  24 Hrs of Radio Art has worn today.)