Dora Dubber

A radio documentary looking back at 30 years of Music Waste Festival

This year, Music Waste Festival celebrated 30 years as the city’s longest running DIY music festival! Featuring interviews with past organizers and music from CiTR’s music archive, TIME NOT WASTED goes through the full history of the festival from its inception and how the festival’s different… & not so much (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

This documentary was written, produced, and edited by Dora Dubber with support from CiTR 101,9FM staff, Ciara Ried & Aisia Witteveen. Featuring interviews with Dustin Bromley, Natalie Corbo, Sarah Cordingley, Naomi Endale, Duncan McHugh, Laurie Mercer, Kris Mitchell, Aaron Charles Read, Eleanor Wearing, & Lee Young. All music featured can be found in CiTR’s music library.

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