Live From Thunderbird Radio Hell Episode May 16, 2024

May 16, 2024 Episode

8:59pm - 10:32pm

Previewing music from Backyard Fest in Nanaimo.

Track Listing:

Dream/Loss · Lower Ground
About the Future
apples · About the Future
Arrow to the Wind
Wallgrin · Arrow to the Wind
June Hawthorn · breaker
Cindy Lee · Diamond Jubliee
Dour · Numbers
I Feel Like I'm Pretending
La Lune · Disparity
Sad Sight
Loans · Have A Nice Day Somewhere Else
Heated Meeting
Sylvia Platters · Vivian Elixir
Laverne · yarrow
Shadow Work
Truth · In Mind
New Year
Small Pleasures · Small Pleasures
Sunset Over Ikea
Apollo Ghosts · Amethyst
Phantom Limb
niloo · Phantom Limb
Not the Best Thing
Bye House · delicious Treat
I Saw a Robin
Brooke Euloth · I Saw a Robin
RnR Records
Maskara · Winston Slip
Are You Receiving Me
Stephen Hamm: Theremin Man · Are You Receiving Me
Nail Driver
Felonious Parker · Nail Driver