CiTR is excited to announce an open call for those interested in producing a new crop of docs! We’re looking for thirteen producers. For this round, we’ll be recruiting six people to create 7-minute long documentaries, four people to create 15-minute long documentaries and three people to create 30-minute long documentaries.
CiTR will provide support and training for documentary makers. Successful applicants will work closely with CiTR staff to learn about radio documentary production, develop their stories, collect B-roll, conduct interviews, and finally mix together their piece. Finished projects will be broadcast live on CiTR 101.9FM and podcasted at Producers will also have the chance to submit their doc to the National Campus Radio Association Awards.
**If you would like to produce a documentary, it’s mandatory to attend the Creative Sound Editing for Radio at Access Gallery [222 East Georgia St] on Friday, November 2nd from 6:30-8pm and Interviewing for Radio on Monday, November 6th 4:30-6pm in AMS Nest Room 2314**
Details about how to apply can be found here. You can contact with any questions about the project.
**Radio producers will now receive a $100 honorarium for their radio doc**
Application deadlines are as follows:
Round 1 (7 minute docs) application deadline: **Extended to October 20th!**
Round 2 (15 minute docs) application deadline: October 27th
Round 3 (25 minute docs) application deadline: November 10th **Changed to 25 minutes**
Join the ranks of award winning radio documentary producers and get your story, ideas, and voice heard over the CiTR airwaves!