Review for Coastal City’s “Fall for Ballet”


Written By: Louisa Craig

The Coastal City Ballet Company is a self-proclaimed ‘pre-professional’ assemblage however their latest showcase propels them into a sphere deserving an emphasis on the later of the adjective and a blatant disregard for the prefix. The performance overwhelmingly warrants a review comparable to one of professional standards.

A four-part repertoire projects the meeting of nostalgia and novelty, demonstrating a spectrum of genre capability ranging from 17th Century Bach to American born Marc Mellits. For an initiation into appreciating the art of ballet, this presentation is highly recommended.

A 45-minute delivery of the Four Seasons could encounter an expectation of precision deterioration, however this tenacious group do not yield in their commitment to synchrony and consequently audience entrapment.

The Pas de deux feature (or in laymen’s terms a dance for two) orchestrates a scene from the famous French Paquita Opera, illustrating the fate of romance continually falling prey to class struggle. Lead dancers Lariss Guerra and Diego Ramalho deliver this performance with a precision that encapsulates the audience in their enchantment. Even Guest Dancers for the company inconspicuously mold to the essence, some even warranting ancillary praise for their performance.

With the intention to perform Swan Lake in the spring, don’t miss an opportunity to help the side of you always in need of a little cultural enhancement.