On January 17th CiTR celebrates Arts Birthday and lends modern art a transmitter for 24 Hours of Radio Art. CiTR programmers, local sound artists and guest hosts will introduce listeners to radio and sound art, noise and experimental compositions, the challenging and, of course, the weird.
The concept of giving art a birthday was introduced by French born artist Robert Filliou, who asserted that 1,000,000 years ago there was no art. But one day, on the 17th of January to be precise, ART was born. (Read more about our history with Art’s Birthday.)
Follow the action on our website, Facebook or on Twitter @CiTRradio and let’s activate #radioart #artsbirthday!
UPDATE: Submissions will be accepted through Sunday, January 15th to arts@citr.ca
Depending on the style, content and length, accepted submissions will be played by our amazing programmers throughout the day. There are many options to participate in 24 Hours of Radio Art both on air and off, email us with your questions, suggestions, or other events for Arts Birthday!
Submission guidelines:
Audio contributions (Mp3 or WAV*) are now being accepted for CiTR’s 24 Hours of Radio Art.
*download services or music hosting site links work too but can be unreliable so give us time to confirm with you!
Examples of types of contributions:
Found Sounds = 30 Seconds to 1 minute of “found” sound recorded by you in the community: garbage cans being slammed, cats purring, lectures, church sermons, road construction etc. The sounds may be used on their own or as part of a composition.
Sound or noise Compositions = 3 to 15 minutes of original “noise” compositions that may, in fact, include the above. No formal music training required. Longer compositions will be considered up on a case by case basis.
Radio art = composition or project which addresses radio AS radio. In other words it uses the medium’s technology, goals, effects and audience of radio or references radio to create work to be heard on the radio.
Material must meet CiTR’s mandate and contributors should be aware that, while we’ll do our best to include all submissions over the course of the day, the final decision as to what gets aired and when rests with us. Please keep in mind that CiTR’s role is to supply alternative, progressive, informative and community-oriented programming. Schedule will be posted soon, and will be subject to change. Hey, it’s radio weirdness, what do you expect!
Email arts@citr.ca for more information.